Brendan Greenley Apps

NoSurge - Avoid Uber Surge 1.3
Avoid Uber Surge today! This app uses Uber'sAPI to get fare estimates for places near you, and then maps out agrid of markers with the associated surge multipliers for calling agiven Uber product at that location. You can use this app to see ifthere's somewhere a few blocks away from you that might have halfthe cost to get home.**Requires user to have the Uber app installed in order to haila ride from a given location**This works for UberX, UberBlack, UberSUV, and any other Uberproducts in your region.Drivers, you can also use this app to find places near you wherethere is the highest surge as to be able to increase yourfares!Uber's API limits the number of fare quotes on an hourly basis,so do not spam this app with requests, or you may find yourselftemporarily unable to access the application.I was inspired to build this app after seeing no Androidalternative for SurgeProtector (a app with a similar purpose foriOS)Any and all feedback welcome. This is a personal project and myfirst app, so it will only get better :)